Published on June 20, 2004 By simplethings In Welcome
Hi! I want to use this blog to write about my new baby and get advice.. I'm a new mom and i think that raising my baby would be easier if I had help from people who are more experienced than me. I have a few days before my due date.. I'm so excited, scared, but excited! I don't know what to expect... My husband won't be there for the birth, he left 3 months ago for Iraq... I don't know how to do this alone, but I keep thinking, just a few more months, just a little longer. I don't know when he's coming home, but I know when he does come home, it won't be just me waiting for him. As soon as I have my baby, I will post some pictures of my baby. I don't know what we're going to name him or her, so if you have any suggestions please let me know, I'd love to hear what ya'll think I should name my baby.


on Jun 20, 2004

Even with a husband at home who's very hands on and helpful having a baby is really hard - Goodluck.

I had a little girl six months ago - my first - I'm definitely no expert on anything but if I can I'd like to help if you have any questions - Joeuser is great for questions about parenting - there's lots of parents on here.

Plus I'm not American but one of the best resources I've had as a new mum and before as a pregnant woman is
it's a community newsletter forum place for expectant mothers and parents to get help with questions they''ve had - generally if you've thought of it then someone's already asked it.
on Jun 20, 2004
Welcome to Joeuser! I hope you get a lot of great advice!
on Jun 21, 2004
Thanks! It feels so good to know there are people who can actually help me in one way or another.