why do names have to mean so much??
Published on June 20, 2004 By simplethings In Blogging
I just got off the phone with my aunt from LA, and she's going on and on about all these names she thinks my baby should be named. And I'm thinking to myself... oh dear... I don't know why this is so hard. I guess it is because the name I give my child will follow him or her the rest of his or her life. I AM SO STRESSED BY ALL THIS! Where is my husband when I need him most! omg! I can't take this! I need help! I spoke to my husband tonight for the first time in 2 weeks. He has been so busy, he appearantly didn't realize that I was this close to having our baby! I miss him so much. I guess if I just relax, it will make the next 2 days easier. I can't though. I need serious help... I'm really afraid to name my baby on my own. I asked my husband what he thought we should name the baby and he said that he had no idea and that he'd be happy with whatever I choose. I love him to pieces, but sometimes he's not much help. lol... Well, I am going to read some of these blogs, then I'm off to bed... looong day tomorrow.. I have a doctor's appointment... yay! i hate going to this doctor, but it makes me feel a little bit better knowing that every thing is ok with my baby.


on Jun 20, 2004
Mason is a very good name.,

Naming a baby is difficult but I have always stuck with tradition and used family names. It's easier and honors some well thought of family member. A great grandparent or such.

It's pretty much a tradition in our family.
on Jun 20, 2004
I hadn't thought of that before, thank you that was very helpful. Now the problem would be, do I use his side of the family, or mine, or mix it up.. lol.. i can make a problem out of anything.. i think its the whole hormones, before i was pregnant, I hardly ever had a problem that I couldn't solve. the closer it gets to be my due date, the more I start to wonder if i'm ready to be a mother.

on Jun 20, 2004
We went through a baby book while waiting for the contractions to get stronger - we already had some ideas but the names literally jumped of the page at us.

Do you like any of the names your Aunt has suggested?

We decided against naming after family members - simply because someone was bound to feel left out and we'd end up with 12 names for a tiny baby

So we went with what we thought sounded pretty, meant something nice and went okay with our last name - we also factored into mean boys/girls and didn't think there were too many problems

Elana (pronouced Eh-lar-nah) means light
Grace means funnily enough grace (interestingly enough my mil thinks we names her after her because her middle name is anne and it means grace - whatever floats your boat)

Her initials are EGP - which contributed to her nickname of elana grumpy pants.

Other factors we considered were baby/child names/teenage names and adult professional names - example matty, matt and matthew, mikey, mike, michael, Chrissie, Christine, Chris

Goodluck - it's really hard at first but once you look into his/her eyes and see that he/she has your nose your husbands ears and your great aunt friedas chin you'll find the perfect name to suit him her.
on Jun 20, 2004
My aunt was telling me that I should name the baby these really weird names, names that I can't even spell which is pathetic considering that I'm a 6th grade teacher. I was thinking along the lines of maybe, Tara ?, or Jack ?, but one of the problems is, our last name is Rae, so anything we use will look like we gave the poor little thing 3 normal names instead of two names and a last. That makes it really hard.

Although like you said trina_p,
it's really hard at first but once you look into his/her eyes and see that he/she has your nose your husbands ears and your great aunt friedas chin you'll find the perfect name to suit him her.

I'm thinking your most likely correct on that. So as much as I don't want to wait until I have the baby to pick out a name, it might just be easier. Thanks for your help!
on Jun 20, 2004

Boy: Herman, Walter, or Melvin

Girl: Fern, Willamena, or Oprah


I hope I had been some help.

on Jun 20, 2004
Jamie~ Walter is a distiguished name so I hope you are not poking fun! Plus it happens to be the middle name of my dear husband!

Emma~ I love the name Jack, and different variations of that name, Jackson ect. The idea of names that have other nicknames is a good idea. I have been JoLynda, Joey and Jo at various points in my life. A name that you can turn in to nicknames is good to when the childs personality shines through. Ex. Katherine to Katie, Allison to Allie, Elizabeth to Lizzy, Thomas to Tommy ,ect. ect. Good LUCK!!!
on Jun 20, 2004
oh Jamie you can't be serious about any of those names

can you?

Tara and Jack are nice (too normal for me though - one of my stipulations was that my child wouldn't be the 3rd Britney or referred to as Matt P as opposed to Matt B, D and Z)

Tara something Rae and Jack something Rae both work - if that helps
on Jun 21, 2004
Be careful of initials that spell something or have a special meaning, too. My father and grandfather, whilst conspiring to stick me with something awful while my mother was passed out, attempted to name me Patrick Eugene just so my initials (and nickname) could be PEN. If possible, they'd have managed to make it PENCIL. Real pair of comedians those two.

Maybe this website can offer you some help: http://www.yourbabysname.com/

Good luck.
on Jun 21, 2004
Thanks everyone for your help!

smartaz, my little sisters initials are PMS... poor kid.. I don't think i could ever do that to my child.

trina, I was thinking they were really normal too.. my mind is drawing blanks. I was the only Emma in my classes at school, but also my name is short for Emma Leigh. So my Initial's are not just ELR, its ELESR.... I'm so luckly... (sarcasm) I usually drop out the S.. but oh well..

on Jun 21, 2004
It's a tough line to walk... you want to probably give your kid a name that is unique enough to stand apart from the rest and not be yet another Joe, Sam or Matt... but at the same time anything too weird will make the kid a target for a lot of ridicule in elementary and jr. high.

I'm happy with my boring, common name... Michael.... it's my middle and last name that are odd and set me apart
on Jun 21, 2004

Hmmmm...my son Davey, had he been a girl, would have been Jessica.  My daughter Shea, had she been a boy, would have been Kreed.  My littlest dude, Jacob, would have been named Delaney had he been a girl.

Jake's middle name is Solomon, and we toyed with the idea of calling him Saul for a while. 

If we were to have another baby I'd want to name it Emily Ellen (after my granny) for a girl, or Henry for a boy (after my grampy)

Please, please, don't name your child after a fruit or vegetable!

on Jun 21, 2004
Please, please, don't name your child after a fruit or vegetable!

Or Coco--what the heck was Courtney Cox thinking?

on Jun 21, 2004
Or Coco--what the heck was Courtney Cox thinking?

That's what I was wondering! That poor kid!

Right now I am thinking of maybe Billy Ace, wait... then his initials would be BAR.. umm.. scratch that. I also like Tucker, but then I thought about it and there's a word that ryhmes with Tucker, and I know how kids are in school these days, I see the name calling thing a lot and I could never do that to my poor little guy or girl. Clara Dacey, and I like that, but this is really hard picking out a name without Shawn, I don't want him to come home and absolutely hate the name I give our child. This is why I want him to help me before he left... Anyways thanks everyone!
