I just got back from the Doctor, He said everything looks as we're right on schedule!! I am dialated 2 centimeters.. not very big but its a start I guess. I've had my mind on a few things for my baby, either Noah Shawn (Shawn after my husband!!) or maybe.... well i'm still stuck on the girls name. I took my little sister with me today, she's like my support with Shawn not here. She's not much of a support considering she's 12. I love her though. She wants me to name the baby Maggie, or Kurt.... My dog when I was in college was named Maggie.. I am not naming my daughter after my dog. NO! I am soooooooo excited, I've waited almost 9 months. I can't wait to hold my little baby in my arms! This is really pathetic.. When I was 15 I had 30 names I wanted to use, and now I'm 24 years old, and 1 day away from needing a name, and I can't find any! Well, I need to show my sister where her room is.. (she just flew in from Pa, and my dad didn't want to come in... Oh well, haven't spoken to him in a few months, he's never liked Shawn. Especially now that Shawn's not going to be here.) Anyways, If you think of any names or ideas or something, let me know! Thanks!