Mother-In-Laws, Who would have thought?
Published on June 22, 2004 By simplethings In Blogging
My mother-in-law showed up at my house about a half an hour ago or so, and we got to talking and I burst into tears. She, who was sitting on a different chair holding my daughter, put my baby in her seat and quickly sat beside me and put her arms around me. I was shocked, but yet very comforted. She told me that she understood what I was going through. She asked me if I wanted to talk about what was bothering me, and I just let it all out. And you know, my sneaky husband, He asked for early leave. He's coming home! He's coming home to me! after 3 months, I finally get to hold him in my arms again. I get to sleep with him next to me, and finally I get to see his face. I love him and I hate him at the same time. He put me through hell the past 2 days, which is the reason i'm mad at him. But you know what, I really can't stay mad at him. Cause every second that I'm thinking about this, I cry. But not tears because I'm sad, but tears because I'm so over-joyed. I guess that I shouldn't have said that I hated him, but, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to say it like that, but I love him with all my heart. I always have and always will. Tomorrow afternoon, I get to see him again. Finally


on Jun 24, 2004
Everything you are going through is very understandable. I am happy for you and your family now that you will have your husbamd back in your life! I bet you can't wait!