Is There A Mute Button On This Baby?
Alysia has been crying for the past 3 hours. Nothing is working! I'm frustrated! I tried everything I could think of before I handed her over to Shawn about 10 minutes ago. Shawn keeps looking to me for advice, and I keep telling him "Honey, if I knew how to make her happy, don't you think I would have done it already?" and he just looks at me with a blank stare. . . and thats where I reply "I didn't think so. Just hold on! I'll take her in a minute!" Is parenthood like this from here on out? Oh dear. . . I want to sleep tonight, at least for 10 minutes. I well tell you all what I've tried already, and if you can think of something else, please let me know. . .
1. She didn't need changed.
2. She wouldn't eat.
3. I paced around with her.
4. I tried swaying her.
5. I rocked her.
6. I sang to her. (probably just upset her even more. . . heheh)
7. I've also given her to her dad.
HELP! Please!